Surveys including interactive maps

The inquiry into events around the Euro 2020 final made very good use of interactive maps embedded within a standard survey.  Respondents were able to pinpoint and draw to identify areas of anti-social behaviour and areas where they felt unsafe.  These points on the maps were then linked to the questions that followed so that specific details could be collected.  I am not sure which platform was used, but this tool would be helpful for many of the engagements and consultations which Southwark would normally conduct.

Why the contribution is important

Residents may often find it difficult to name the address or specific street name of an event or issue.  Offering a map will allow them to identify it or when describing an area instead of a specific point, they would be able to draw on the map.  This allows residents to be more engaged and caters to the accessibility and learning needs of many people where pure surveys or consultations can be limits to some groups.

by EP05313 on December 08, 2021 at 09:51AM

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