Info board for Harold Moody/Consort Park

Southwark's proposal to revamp Harold Moody Park (SE15) landed during pandemic lockdown. Those of us who've subscribed to Southwark's online updates were aware of them, but internet access is an exclusive form of contact that no everyone in this area has or is interested in having. One neighbour asked me how I'd found out about the proposals as she doesn't engage with Southwark C online and we realised that, if HM Park had a physical notice board, there would be places to display printed information and updates. Nunhead Green has one. As a small community park, this seems like a basic oversight. It needn't be high-spec, as long as it had waterproof plastic doors. Several of us who live immediately next to the park could have access keys to put notices up for people. Less about advertising commercial stuff, more about official plans for and interaction with the amenities. Please could this be looked into? If there'd been a known, clear place to display intel on the proposed park revamp then more people would've been aware of it and attended the first few meetings. 

Why the contribution is important

Now that internet provision is commonplace, the shortfalls of mass e-comms are becoming clear. As of yet, there is no successful substitute for ensuring that every single household within a locality is given equal information about and opportunities to respond to council proposals or police updates, short of doing the old-fashioned door-to-door newsletter drop off. A noticeboard is still a good way of making sure information is definitely out there, accessible and visible. 

by SophyG on December 18, 2021 at 10:56AM

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