Consultation Hub

We currently use the Consultation Hub to run almost all of our consultations, from the really local ones affecting only a few people, to big ones affecting council policy for years to come.

Surveys are an important and obvious way of finding out what people think. But what do people think about our surveys?

- Do we present them well?

- Do we ask the right sorts of questions?

- Do we use the right sort of language?

Why the contribution is important

We're probably always going to need some way to run online surveys, so it's important to us to understand whether we are using the right tools in the right ways, so we can improve the way we do things in future.

by Jonathan_SouthwarkAdmin on December 08, 2021 at 08:41AM

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  • Posted by Chjola December 11, 2021 at 11:46

    Is this a consultation hub or an engagement hub? There is a big difference....
  • Posted by Jonathan_SouthwarkAdmin December 13, 2021 at 08:29

    Could you explain what that difference means to you?

    We use the consultation hub for anything where a survey format is the appropriate approach. Sometimes that might be asking, hard, closed questions about changes to a service. But sometime it's asking really open questions about people's experiences or what they would like to see.

    What it doesn't do is enable a real 'conversation' like in a public meeting or workshop - people submit their views, we receive them and decide what to do with them - which is why we are trying out the tool you are using here, which is meant to encourage more of a dialogue. What do you think?
  • Posted by Chris24Norris December 13, 2021 at 10:03

    Surveys require additional validation beyond the questionnaire. People's answers may not be a true reflection of what they actually believe because the questions: (a) may be ambiguous; (b) may not be specific enough to capture what the responder wants to say; and (c) may not spell out the implications for any given answer
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