Practical support for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

People with neurodiversity are incredibly creative and smart, but can struggle in full time jobs, and are sometines better off working on their own projects.... but there are often skill gaps e.g. organisational, accounting, finding grants etc. Could access to business planning/coaching, and support services be possible?

Why the contribution is important

Disproportionately high levels of unemployment are seen in ASD adults, with best estimates indicating that 80% of adults with Asperger Syndrome (those at the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum) have been unable to secure long term employment. And this figure is even worse for those with a diagnosis of autism.

To put this into context, let's compare ASD employment with other disabilities. Unemployment for people with disabilities in general is about 69%. And this compares to 43% of the general population who are out of work.

by SarahSE16 on November 25, 2021 at 09:42PM

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  • Posted by Matthew_Southwark November 26, 2021 at 11:45

    Thanks for this Sarah - and do you think that people with ASD need any particular support when accessing services?

    p.s I've changed the Title of this idea so it's more specific - hope that's ok.
  • Posted by SarahSE16 November 26, 2021 at 20:00

    Thanks for the message!
    The nature of ASD means that differences are wide and personal, which is why coaching came to mind as a solution.
    But suspect navigating paperwork, admin, taxes, finding grants etc is a common struggle.
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