
I think it would be great to have a newsletter posted to people of our small business, many locals are unaware of businesses that are not on the High Street ect.

I'm sure I've seen one many years ago or even a membership card to people who live within southwark that will give you 10% discount once a month of services from small business within southwark 

Why the contribution is important

Newsletter is important, are there are still many people who don't know how to access things via the Internet so we are not leaving no one out. It also brings awareness of small businesses like myself.


Southwark membership discount card, would be an excellent idea as who doesnt love a discount. This will also bring more awareness of businesses and more word of mouth for the card and businesses 

by Giftednailsuk on November 25, 2021 at 05:27PM

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  • Posted by Matthew_Southwark November 26, 2021 at 14:13

    This sounds like a suggestion of (non-digital) marketing support.

    Would the newsletter / discount card be something that is managed by the council or through local business networks?
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