Business Funding

Support to raise funds to start a business is what is lacking at the moment in Southwark.

Funding is crucial for improving technology, hiring the right people, and launching a comprehensive marketing strategy to get a foothold in the market



Why the contribution is important

Funding is crucial for improving technology, hiring the right people, and launching a comprehensive marketing strategy to get a foothold in the market

Please, the text color is  the same as the background. (whie). I cannot see what I am writing.

by bomiss on December 10, 2021 at 01:38PM

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  • Posted by Libby_Southwark December 10, 2021 at 18:06

    Hi bomiss, thanks for your idea. We appreciate that funding is very much needed right now and we'll be making some grant funding available as part of this programme.

    Is there anything in particular that you think is needed to make sure that the support is there for people under-represented in business? For example, people from Black ethnic backgrounds, disabled people or young people? Thanks in advance!
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